Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Microdermabrasion treatments are used to improve, skin texture and colour. This is done by removing the topmost layer of the skin, leaving it more supple and vibrant.
Microdermabrasion & Peels
Microdermabrasion treatments are used to improve, skin texture and colour. This is done by removing the topmost layer of the skin, leaving it more supple and vibrant.
Red Vein Treatment
Suitable for treating small areas on the face with broken capillaries, spider veins, telangiectasia, on the nose, cheeks, and chin. Effectively diminish visible vessels and capillaries on the face.
Skin & Hair Rejuvenation
A skin rejuvenation treatment in which Platelet Rich Plasma is injected back into your skin, whilst under tropical local anaesthetic, to stimulate new collagen production and revitalising your cells.